I suppose that most people have stories or jokes that they tell in their family. One of the old ones, a takeoff of an old expression, that has been told many times around our house is, “You know, like the frog says, ‘Time’s fun when you’re having flies.’ ”
Time is flying already by this new year. And, it has basically been fun. (Except for a few car problems, but we won’t go in to that.) Already two months have gone. In the north here we are ready for winter to be gone. In my mind, I usually consider it to be gone when we hit the month of March, although we will probably still get some snow storms. The good news is that, even when it snows now, we know it won’t last long. It’s nice and sunny today, so that is encouraging.
By the way, if you still haven’t figured out the crazy saying in the opening paragraph, it’s a takeoff on “Time flies when you’re having fun”.
Time does fly. My wife just reminded me that it was exactly a year ago that we were on a very special trip. We spent two weeks in Europe celebrating our 35th Anniversary. We were in five countries and saw places I have heard about all my life and never thought I’d see. That was a very special time. I used to think that a person married 35 years was quite old. I’ve discovered that isn’t true. In another five or ten years I’ll get close to middle age. “Old” is usually about fifteen years or so older than your current age.
I’m reminded of the old saying: Only one life will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last. That’s an expression of the swiftness of life. A child looks out to the future and doesn’t think it will ever come. A teen longs to get older so he/she can really get out and live and prove something. Young adults look to the future and think they have all the time in the world. Middle age sneaks up on a person and before they know it, they are wondering if they can afford to retire. Life IS soon past. Then the questions arise, did I do anything with my life that makes a difference?
Where am I going with these thoughts? First, let’s recognize that we only have a limited number of years to do something that really matters in life, to do something that will help and impact others and future generations. So, let’s not waste the years we have. Then, let’s not beat ourselves up if we feel we have not been as productive as we should be. Let’s make a fresh commitment to God to seek His guidance for life and become more productive from this day forward.
We can and must learn from the past, both victories and failures. When we learn, we can do better. Always be making an effort to learn about life. Spend time with people who will be a positive influence in your life. Learn from successful people. But, don’t only define success with money. Learn from spiritually strong people, those who have a strong relationship with Jesus. Keep reading good books.
The amazing thing is that God can take a few years that a person has left in life and do great things through them. If earlier years have been wasted, God can still use what you have left. Don’t give up, use what you have for God.