Today (Tuesday) we are having our regular Honor Society Luncheon at church. It is specifically for seniors, a time to get together for a good meal and have some fun and fellowship. We always have a good time. People look forward to participating.
This event is making me think of the topic of age. As I was growing up, there was a movement of young people who worked hard at insulting older people. The 60’s was a very rebellious time. They said “Don’t trust anyone over thirty”. The interesting thing is that all of those people are now well past thirty. I wonder if they don’t trust themselves.
Youth is a wonderful thing. There is an unlimited supply of energy (for what they want to do) and a zest for life. They are ready to step out and try new things. But there is also a lack of experience that can cause mistakes and poor judgement. There is an invincibility in youth that sometimes leads to dangerous risks. There is a brashness in youth that can cause them to say they don’t need any help, they know what they need to know.
The Bible talks about the value of age. With age comes experience. That experience can lead to wisdom. That wisdom can lead to making wise choices in life, and the opportunity to pass that wisdom on to others. It is a good thing for young people to listen to the wisdom of age and learn how to apply it. My father used to say, “Learn from what I’ve gone through in life”. I also like the saying: “Learn from other people’s mistakes, you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself”.
If you are young, be willing to learn from older folks. If you are older, invest the things you have learned in the younger generations. That inter-generational teamwork will be a powerful force to make life better.
Proverbs 16:31
The silver-haired head is a crown of glory,
If it is found in the way of righteousness.
This is a great combination - age and righteousness. When you find it - listen and apply.