Yes, this is Easter time. Most people are aware of it. Many are celebrating, remembering what it is all about. Today we had our community Good Friday service. There was a lot of great music. I had the privilege of preaching. I spoke on the thought that Easter really was victory. It was God’s planned victory to give the whole human race a way to have forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with God.
In our modern society, someone is always taking a survey about something. There is an amazing amount of statistical evidence out there, if you are interested. I recently read somewhere (I’m sorry I can’t remember where) that modern Americans are now more concerned about human relationships than a relationship with God. That was sad to read, and dangerous. It’s sad because there is no better relationship available than one with God. It’s dangerous because a relationship with God is our ticket to eternal life.
Human relationships are critically important. We need them. No one can make it in life very well without friends or support. When God made people, He did that with the purpose of our having a real relationship with Him. When temptation was more desirable than obedience to God, then the relationship of people with God was broken.
Easter is the completion of God’s plan to restore that relationship. Millions of people have worked hard to do it on their own, but that simply doesn’t work. The Bible tells us that it is not by works of righteousness that we do, but according to God’s mercy that we are saved from sin. Jesus gave us the gift of a restored relationship. It is a gift, we can’t earn it. If we are going to have Jesus in our lives, we must accept it as a gift.
Jesus is alive. The resurrection was the completion of His victory. Don’t miss out, receive your gift from God.