I guess the major purpose of a blog is to write thoughts about what is going on in my mind. That can mean that there are lots of things to write about, or maybe, not much. I would have to say that I should write all the time, because there are many things in my mind. I just don’t get to writing as often as I would like.
Another purpose for a blog is to share information. I have just received a call from Pastor Dave to let me know that his mother passed away. It was very unexpected. Even though she was born in 1920, she was still working. He saw her on Monday and she seemed OK. Please pray for God’s strength for all of them at this time. He didn’t have any arrangements made for a funeral. We will have the information at the church when he calls back. Please feel free to call for the details.
Is it possible to hear of a death and not think of heaven? I don’t think so. This past Sunday I attended the funeral of a man who died too early (in human thinking). He was a strong believer in Jesus and the funeral reflected that. That part was encouraging and exciting. He’s doing great these days, he’s in the presence of the Lord. And now, today, another phone call and another loved one is passed. Another life’s journey completed.
For you, the reader, don’t neglect your own relationship with Jesus. I know that we all experience many things in life that cause pain. Many times we use these painful times as excuses to reject the teachings of Jesus and live for ourselves. There is NO problem or life issue we can ever face that is worth throwing away eternity with Jesus. Don’t use any excuse, but be sure that you have Jesus in your heart. You will never regret it.
Again, please pray for God’s strength during this time for Pastor Dave and his extended family.