Monday, March 24, 2008

How about the Bible?

Yesterday we had a great time as we celebrated Easter. Actually, Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. And, I think we had a powerful time of rejoicing in the knowledge of the Living Lord.

This morning I was going through some articles in my office. It was a time for some sorting. One of them was recounting the claims of some people who, in the name of Jesus, reject the literal and physical resurrection of Jesus. These claims were made by well-known folks who call themselves well-educated theologians. They boldly and clearly stated that there is no way that Jesus could have come back to life. And they claimed (and this I have an amazingly hard time believing) that they really are followers of Christ. They said that they believed in a spiritual resurrection. Believing that Jesus is dead doesn’t hurt their faith.

I’ve never been able to understand how a person can say they are a follower of Jesus and not accept all of His teaching or the claims of the Bible. I met a fellow years ago who said he believed in all the scriptures, and then he went on to explain that not all of the Bible is the scriptures. He had some special knowledge to know which was which. That way he could easily discount anything I might say about what the Bible says, because “that passage is not scripture”.

There are millions of “Christians” these days doing things the Bible clearly says are sin, claiming it doesn’t make a difference. I fear they are in for a rude awakening on judgement day.

So, what is it that is on my mind today? It is the fact that God has gives us his Word, The Bible, and it is our guide for life and the decisions we make. It is our guide for belief. If you claim to be a Christian and can’t accept that, then I challenge you to start digging through the Bible to find out what the Bible really is all about. Is it just a book of stories? Is it filled with mistakes? If it is, then I wonder why we would follow it. If the Bible is full of mistakes, then let’s shut down the churches and do something better with out time and money.

But, if the Bible is accurate, if it is true, if it really is the Word of God, then we had better learn what it says we are to do, and then DO what it says. I don’t see how we can do anything other than that. What do you think?

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Resurrection Celebration

Yes, this is Easter time. Most people are aware of it. Many are celebrating, remembering what it is all about. Today we had our community Good Friday service. There was a lot of great music. I had the privilege of preaching. I spoke on the thought that Easter really was victory. It was God’s planned victory to give the whole human race a way to have forgiveness of sin and a restored relationship with God.

In our modern society, someone is always taking a survey about something. There is an amazing amount of statistical evidence out there, if you are interested. I recently read somewhere (I’m sorry I can’t remember where) that modern Americans are now more concerned about human relationships than a relationship with God. That was sad to read, and dangerous. It’s sad because there is no better relationship available than one with God. It’s dangerous because a relationship with God is our ticket to eternal life.

Human relationships are critically important. We need them. No one can make it in life very well without friends or support. When God made people, He did that with the purpose of our having a real relationship with Him. When temptation was more desirable than obedience to God, then the relationship of people with God was broken.

Easter is the completion of God’s plan to restore that relationship. Millions of people have worked hard to do it on their own, but that simply doesn’t work. The Bible tells us that it is not by works of righteousness that we do, but according to God’s mercy that we are saved from sin. Jesus gave us the gift of a restored relationship. It is a gift, we can’t earn it. If we are going to have Jesus in our lives, we must accept it as a gift.

Jesus is alive. The resurrection was the completion of His victory. Don’t miss out, receive your gift from God.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Please Take Note

I guess the major purpose of a blog is to write thoughts about what is going on in my mind. That can mean that there are lots of things to write about, or maybe, not much. I would have to say that I should write all the time, because there are many things in my mind. I just don’t get to writing as often as I would like.

Another purpose for a blog is to share information. I have just received a call from Pastor Dave to let me know that his mother passed away. It was very unexpected. Even though she was born in 1920, she was still working. He saw her on Monday and she seemed OK. Please pray for God’s strength for all of them at this time. He didn’t have any arrangements made for a funeral. We will have the information at the church when he calls back. Please feel free to call for the details.

Is it possible to hear of a death and not think of heaven? I don’t think so. This past Sunday I attended the funeral of a man who died too early (in human thinking). He was a strong believer in Jesus and the funeral reflected that. That part was encouraging and exciting. He’s doing great these days, he’s in the presence of the Lord. And now, today, another phone call and another loved one is passed. Another life’s journey completed.

For you, the reader, don’t neglect your own relationship with Jesus. I know that we all experience many things in life that cause pain. Many times we use these painful times as excuses to reject the teachings of Jesus and live for ourselves. There is NO problem or life issue we can ever face that is worth throwing away eternity with Jesus. Don’t use any excuse, but be sure that you have Jesus in your heart. You will never regret it.

Again, please pray for God’s strength during this time for Pastor Dave and his extended family.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Great Illustration

Friday night I saw a great illustration of Christian love. I know that Christians take lots of shots for failure to really live the life. And, some of them are accurate. I believe the failures of showing genuine Christianity among those who are sold out to Jesus are not as prevalent as the accusers would like to assume.

On Friday night a group of ladies from church were gathering to have a “girls night out”. They were going to a home to watch some fun videos and eat and talk and have a fun time. On the way there, one of the young ladies had a seizure. She happened to be riding in the vehicle with her mother. Her mom knew what to do. When she realized this was a “major” seizure, she immediately got her to the hospital. My wife called me right away and I joined them there.

What the two carloads of ladies did was go in to the hospital. We used a small conference room and started a prayer meeting. There was no discussion, they knew immediately this was what they needed and wanted to do. After a few minutes I left them to go back to be with the mom. No one said, “Hey, we’re gona take off to our fun night. See ya later.” Their only concern was the young lady. And, the best thing they could do at that time was pray for her.

After a while, they moved out of that tiny room to the waiting room and continued praying. After a while they brought their food in, ate and waited. They received periodic reports and continued to pray. They all stayed till well in to the evening when she was transferred to the Cities for more treatment. Then they went home.

They never had their “girls night out”. No one complained. They only showed concern for the situation and made sure that arrangements were made for continued communication so they could pray.

There is something powerful about knowing that you are not alone in tough situations. These ladies showed the love of Jesus to their friend as they stayed with her.

Jesus said “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13.35 NIV

The young lady is still in the hospital. She is out of her seizure, but still receiving medical treatment. Keep praying for her.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prayer Summit

Last week there was a powerful series of meetings that I really wanted to attend. Since I can only be one place at a time, and I was in Minneapolis, I couldn’t attend the national prayer summit that took place in Springfield, Missouri.

The prayer summit is an annual gathering where people are invited to come together for inspiration and prayer. The main speaker was Jim Cymbala, pastor at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in Brooklyn, New York. I had the privilege of attending church there a few years back, it was a powerful experience. We stood in line, down the block and around the corner, waiting for the doors to open. It was well worth the wait. It was even worth having to pay to park in New York City.

I would have loved to participate in the prayer summit this year. I couldn’t be there in person, but I have had the opportunity to hear a few of the messages. They are posted on the web and I have listened to a few of them so far. I hope to listen to the rest of them soon. If you would like to listen, you can go to our church web site and we have a link on the front page. Click on that and you can listen. I know it will be worth your effort.
Check out

There is something powerful about getting together with others who believe in Jesus for a time of prayer, preaching, singing, visiting, and so forth. The bible says that we are to not forsake getting together. I feel sorry for folks who can’t seem to make it to church services or prayer meetings or the like. They have lots of excuses for not going. But, getting together with others who believe is an encouraging time. I enjoyed listening to the services on the web, it would have been much more powerful to be there in person. As they say, maybe next year.

Listen to these services on the web, it will help you. And, also, don’t forget about God’s house. I’ll see you in church.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Honor Society

Today (Tuesday) we are having our regular Honor Society Luncheon at church. It is specifically for seniors, a time to get together for a good meal and have some fun and fellowship. We always have a good time. People look forward to participating.

This event is making me think of the topic of age. As I was growing up, there was a movement of young people who worked hard at insulting older people. The 60’s was a very rebellious time. They said “Don’t trust anyone over thirty”. The interesting thing is that all of those people are now well past thirty. I wonder if they don’t trust themselves.

Youth is a wonderful thing. There is an unlimited supply of energy (for what they want to do) and a zest for life. They are ready to step out and try new things. But there is also a lack of experience that can cause mistakes and poor judgement. There is an invincibility in youth that sometimes leads to dangerous risks. There is a brashness in youth that can cause them to say they don’t need any help, they know what they need to know.

The Bible talks about the value of age. With age comes experience. That experience can lead to wisdom. That wisdom can lead to making wise choices in life, and the opportunity to pass that wisdom on to others. It is a good thing for young people to listen to the wisdom of age and learn how to apply it. My father used to say, “Learn from what I’ve gone through in life”. I also like the saying: “Learn from other people’s mistakes, you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself”.

If you are young, be willing to learn from older folks. If you are older, invest the things you have learned in the younger generations. That inter-generational teamwork will be a powerful force to make life better.

Proverbs 16:31
The silver-haired head is a crown of glory,
If it is found in the way of righteousness.

This is a great combination - age and righteousness. When you find it - listen and apply.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Boot Camp

Boot Camp. Those words bring bad memories to many who have had the fun, challenge and privilege of serving in the military. Boot camp is the time when recruits are quickly brought in to the world and disciplines of the military. How many horror stories have been told about boot camp? How many people thought they would never survive?

Why am I talking about boot camp? Because this week I am participating in a boot camp. No, I didn’t join the army (they are not that desperate). I am participating in a church planters boot camp as a coach.

What’s church planters boot camp? It is a week-long training session for people who want to start (plant) a new church. In recent years it’s been discovered that these boot camps are very effective in training church planters to assist them in doing a better job of starting strong churches. When people start a new church they want it to be successful. Boot camps help.

What’s a coach? I’m supposed to ask questions. This is to assist them in the preparations for planting a church. The boot camp is filled with much discussion. There are about fifty people participating this week. I get to sit at the table of three of the couples who are in the process of starting churches and ask questions. It’s a great job, filled with fun and challenges. I also get to learn. I know there will be things I will be able to apply from the camp.

Boot camp is an overload of information thrown at us. I know it will take some follow up time to digest the information. Someone described it as getting a drink from a fire hydrant. That’s a good description. I hope I get a few good swallows.

One thing that stands out for me is the reminder of the power of God. To think that several churches will be started by the people in the group is awesome. To think of the impact on lives and eternity is exciting. There is so much potential that, when it is blessed by the power of God, it will accomplish amazing results. The Bible says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. With the strength of God this diverse group of church planters will plant many strong churches.

This boot camp will not leave me with bad memories, but faith to trust God for more than ever before. It has been fun, tiring and gone by very quickly.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wow, it’s March already.

I suppose that most people have stories or jokes that they tell in their family. One of the old ones, a takeoff of an old expression, that has been told many times around our house is, “You know, like the frog says, ‘Time’s fun when you’re having flies.’ ”

Time is flying already by this new year. And, it has basically been fun. (Except for a few car problems, but we won’t go in to that.) Already two months have gone. In the north here we are ready for winter to be gone. In my mind, I usually consider it to be gone when we hit the month of March, although we will probably still get some snow storms. The good news is that, even when it snows now, we know it won’t last long. It’s nice and sunny today, so that is encouraging.

By the way, if you still haven’t figured out the crazy saying in the opening paragraph, it’s a takeoff on “Time flies when you’re having fun”.

Time does fly. My wife just reminded me that it was exactly a year ago that we were on a very special trip. We spent two weeks in Europe celebrating our 35th Anniversary. We were in five countries and saw places I have heard about all my life and never thought I’d see. That was a very special time. I used to think that a person married 35 years was quite old. I’ve discovered that isn’t true. In another five or ten years I’ll get close to middle age. “Old” is usually about fifteen years or so older than your current age.

I’m reminded of the old saying: Only one life will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last. That’s an expression of the swiftness of life. A child looks out to the future and doesn’t think it will ever come. A teen longs to get older so he/she can really get out and live and prove something. Young adults look to the future and think they have all the time in the world. Middle age sneaks up on a person and before they know it, they are wondering if they can afford to retire. Life IS soon past. Then the questions arise, did I do anything with my life that makes a difference?

Where am I going with these thoughts? First, let’s recognize that we only have a limited number of years to do something that really matters in life, to do something that will help and impact others and future generations. So, let’s not waste the years we have. Then, let’s not beat ourselves up if we feel we have not been as productive as we should be. Let’s make a fresh commitment to God to seek His guidance for life and become more productive from this day forward.

We can and must learn from the past, both victories and failures. When we learn, we can do better. Always be making an effort to learn about life. Spend time with people who will be a positive influence in your life. Learn from successful people. But, don’t only define success with money. Learn from spiritually strong people, those who have a strong relationship with Jesus. Keep reading good books.

The amazing thing is that God can take a few years that a person has left in life and do great things through them. If earlier years have been wasted, God can still use what you have left. Don’t give up, use what you have for God.