Acts Chapter Three
This book is called Acts (actions) of the Apostles, of the early church. It is a book of history of how the church got started. Chapter one tells of the completion of Jesus’ mission on earth and His return to heaven. Chapter two gives us the outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit on the believers and how they began to apply it. Now in chapter three, we see the beginning of the application of Spirit-filled ministry.
One of our discussion questions for reading Acts is: How can we apply what we see in Acts? This will be a good question throughout this book. It is a real challenge for chapter three. This chapter starts out with a miraculous healing in the name of Jesus. Peter and John were going to the temple for prayer. A local beggar, one that all the people knew, was there looking for a few coins so he could eat another day. Peter told him he had something even better than money (he also said he didn’t have any money). "In the name of Jesus, get up and walk." God supernaturally gave physical strength to a man who had never had any. He got up, not only walking, but running and jumping. I think I would do the same.
The name of Jesus is not a magical formula to see miracles happen. Faith in the name, in the power of Jesus brought many miracles back then. We still have the privilege of seeing them today as we have genuine faith in Him. Back then the church didn’t have much money, but they had God’s power. Today, many churches have piles of money, do they (we) have the power?
Peter responded to the questioners about this miracle by telling them that Jesus was rejected. He boldly spoke that they had delivered Jesus to be killed. They had denied the Holy One of God and had Him killed. But, God raised Him from the dead.
REPENT!!! This is second time in the book that Peter told a crowd to repent. Repent, turn from sinful ways and live a righteous life. God hates sin and the destruction it brings. So, His Word says over and over, repent and get away from active participation in sin. The world around you is perverse, get away from it. This message of repentance is as necessary today as it ever was. Sin is rampant. Sin is accepted as normal and right. Sadly, even some who call themselves Christians accept sin as OK, reasonable. Repentance and rejection of sin must be normal in the church.
The promise of times of refreshing is given to believers in Jesus. We are promised times of refreshing in the power of the Holy Spirit. I have done many one on one visits with inmates at the Challenge Incarceration Program. It is a very intense place. I usually say to them as we start, take a deep breath and relax for a moment. They do that, and usually say, "Oh, that feels so good". There is a refreshing that comes over them. We need physical times of refreshing. We really need times of spiritual refreshing. God promised them, grab hold of the promise.
While we face great challenges today, Jesus will return some day to take us to be with Him. So, we have reason to press on.
Question: how are you doing so far this new year? I trust that you are growing in your daily walk with the Lord. Have a great day in HIM. Feel free to hit the comment tab and share your thoughts.