Acts Chapter Four
When great spiritual things happen, it opens up the potential for the unbelievers to rise up in opposition. The events recorded here provide the setting for some powerful verses that have a great impact. In chapter three there was a miracle of healing. Now, the Sadducees (who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead) were angry at the disciples for preaching the resurrection of Jesus. In their attempt to shut them up, they had them arrested.
When the disciples were brought before the religious leaders, they were asked by what power or name they did this miracle. This is a situation when many people would be tempted to tone down the "religious rhetoric" and compromise, but not Peter. The key to this is found in V. 8. He received a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit so that he could speak boldly and with Godly power.
The source of the power, the miracle? V. 10 says " . . . It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed." It was the teaching in the name of Jesus and the resurrection that got them in trouble, but Peter didn’t compromise the truth when he was challenged.
This leads us to V. 12, one of the key verses in the Bible. Peter emphasized the importance of personal salvation in Jesus, of having our sins forgiven. There is nothing else that even comes close the being so critical for every person in the world. The first thing to get settled in life is to receive the forgiveness that Jesus bought and paid for on the cross. Salvation used to be strongly emphasized in the church world. We need to return to that. It really IS the answer for establishing the foundation for life and putting things together.
V. 12 "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
In our cafeteria-style world where you can pick and choose your favorite beliefs that make you the most comfortable, this verse clearly states under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that there is only ONE WAY of salvation. His name is Jesus. God doesn’t give us lots of options so we can be comfortable. The forgiveness of sins that He offers sets us free.
I love V. 13. It says so much and gives great encouragement to us "average folks".
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." NIV The King James Version says they were "unlearned and ignorant men". Do you see what this statement says? Because they had been with Jesus, even though they didn’t have what the world says is necessary for success, it doesn’t really matter. They had been with Jesus. He makes the changes and we have God’s power living in us.
The religious leaders threatened them and told them to be quite about Jesus and the resurrection. Their response was not fear, they simply said they had to speak the things that had seen and heard. They didn’t compromise. They told the truth. When you are challenged for your belief, remember not to compromise.
The follow-up prayer meeting they had shook the place. (V. 31) That’s what the power of the Spirit will do. When the place is shaken with the power of the Spirit, lives change. That needs to be one of our prayers, "Lord, shake this place with your power and presence."
Let me encourage you to keep reading a chapter a day of Acts. Keep checking in with these comments. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments section.