Acts Chapter Seventeen
Traveling in Thessalonica, Paul spent his Sabbaths reasoning with the Jews that Jesus had to suffer and then raise from the dead. He had many converts of both Jews and Greeks. Those who were opposed to Paul and his message stirred up a crowd and caused a riot. This sounds like we have heard this scenario before.
It is here that we find a famous verse, one that I find interesting and challenging for believers today.
Acts 17:6 NLT
Not finding them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the other believers instead and took them before the city council. "Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world," they shouted, "and now they are here disturbing our city, too.
Acts 17:6 NKJV
But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.
Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world, they have turned the world upside down. What was there trouble? They were spreading the message of Jesus, His death, burial and resurrection. They were be effective in winning hundreds and thousands to the Lord. The church was growing very quickly. The Spirit-empowered church was taking the world by storm. Then they complained that they were there in Thessalonica disturbing that city as well. They didn’t want them there.
I wonder, how many cities really need to be "disturbed" for the Lord? What does it take to do that? Who is ready to step out and work to accomplish it?
Because of the trouble, Paul and Silas left for Berea. The people of Berea quickly and eagerly received the message of Jesus. In fact, they diligently studied the scriptures to see if the message was true. They give us a powerful example of what we should do when we hear something new. Check it out with the Bible. Study deeply what the Bible says. What does the Bible say? That’s a good question to bring up always. As a child something stood out to me when I remember hearing Billy Graham say often – "The Bible says . . . . ." That’s a solid foundation to stand on. The people of Berea gained a reputation that people still talk about today. They were known as students of the Bible.
While they were having good results in Berea, the troublemakers from Thessalonica came there agitating and stirred up the crowd again. This time Paul left by himself and went to Athens. Silas and Timothy would join him soon.
Paul waited for his missionary team to regroup in Athens. As he waited he observed the city and was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. Sin and false doctrine upset him. All believer should be upset by anything that goes against God. The city was wholly given over to everything that was against what he knew was pleasing to God. Paul was mingling with the people in the marketplace to tell them of Jesus. Many who considered themselves great thinkers gathered there and mocked him.
He stood up to talk to them. Athens had much religion. Paul had observed that they even had a statue to the unknown God. He took advantage of that situation to open up his proclamation of Jesus. He said that they were worshiping what they did not know, he would enlighten them and tell them about this "unknown" god.
There was some response to his sharing about Jesus. Some became believers.
Here is something to chew on. Paul went out to the marketplace, to the place of discussion and sharing of ideas. He wasn’t afraid to step out where people were proclaiming they knew the answers. He went to where he could talk and put the truths of God up against the philosophies of the world. Be assured that God and His Word can stand up against what people can come up with. He didn’t need to get in an argument, he clearly and boldly proclaimed the truth. The truth of God will stand. The Bible will stand. Let us be ready, willing and able to declare what the Bible says so that the lives of people can be changed. That is how people get saved from the destruction and control of sin.