How many people dread Mondays? Lots of them. They get up at the beginning of the week and complain that they have to start a new week, go to work, and all that goes with it. UGG!!!! But, instead of complaining, we can thank God He is giving us a new week to serve Him. Not everyone has a job, not everyone has the physical ability to go to work. Not everyone feels that they are loved.
Yesterday we had a great time as we gathered to worship the Lord. Church was, as it should be, fun and inspirational. And, I enjoyed our combined Sunday dinner, lots of conversation across the tables. As we continue to build on what God is doing this year, I spoke on the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in all our lives. We must have, we must live and work in the power of the Holy Spirit. What was normal in the early church should continue to be normal today. They expected to receive the Baptism in the Spirit. They expected that Spirit-filled believers would express the power of the Spirit in their daily lives. We need to expect the same.
I want to encourage you to regularly seek the continued fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Thank God for what He has done in the past, and ask for more of His power and direction in your life so you can continue to be used in greater ways that bring honor to God. He will give you divine appointments that will come disguised as coincidence. You will just "happen" to come across someone, or a situation where you can show the love of God in some way. You will feel God's leading to talk or give or help and the other person will be better off. And, God will get the praise.
This title of this note today is "A New Week to Serve The Lord". That's what we have now. Instead of dreading a new week, thank God for the opportunities He will give you as you serve Him. Be open in your thinking to recognize the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that believers will have rivers of living water in their lives, He meant that we will have the power of the Spirit to guide and empower us. That means we can have a great week. I expect it. I hope you do, as well.