One of the best known stories in the Bible is the story of Israel and their slavery in Egypt. The nation of Israel was in Egypt because of a famine during the life of Joseph. God had placed Joseph in Egypt to provide for them. Over the generations, Israel increased greatly in number. A new king came to power in Egypt who didn't know any of the history. He came to fear the Israelites and devised with a solution to control them - make them slaves.
The slavery was extremely oppressive. And, as anyone would do, they prayed for God's deliverance. It seemed like God was being slow to respond.
In an attempt to destroy Israel, the king of Egypt came up with a plan - kill all the baby boys as they are born. That has happened more than once in history, kill the babies. Jesus talked about the thief, the evil one, who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Killing, and especially killing children, is one of Satan's favorite tactics to destroy and control people. The people responsible for killing the babies in Egypt refused to cooperate with the scheme and God blessed them for that.
The Lord brought a man on the scene who would be the deliverer. His name was Moses. But, God didn't rush things. He prepared Moses for 80 years before he stood before Pharoah to demand freedom for his people. When God's time came, they were supernaturally delivered.
The book of Exodus says that Israel cried out to God and He heard them. That is positive encouragement for us. When we cry out to God, He hears us. Don't be discouraged or give up. God hears His people and responds in His perfect timing.
Then comes the story of Moses and the burning bush. He was in the desert and saw a bush burning, but not being consumed by the fire. God spoke to him out of the bush and declared that he was standing on holy ground. What an awesome experience, to stand in the presence of God.
We have been privileged to stand in God's presence and see Him answer. An interesting verse in Exodus says that God heard Israel and was concerned about them. Then the story goes on to tell their deliverance. As we stand in God's presence, as we pray and seek God, He also hears us and is concerned about us.
God, in His perfect timing, in display of His awesome power, will always be there with us. We have every reason to rejoice and receive His answers to prayer. So, we can stand on holy ground and worship God. We can pray. We can live and work in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We can rejoice, because we know that God hears.