The past few days have not allowed me to write in my normal fashion, considering the news of yesterday. I had just started to write last evening when I received a message that my wife had broken her arm. So, I had to hold the presses. We were told that they would do surgery to repair it last night. That didn’t happen. She is hoping that it will happen Thursday afternoon, but no promises yet. So, she still needs prayers. One of the first things she told me was to NOT try to change my plans and get back. I still have some ministry scheduled over here and she wants me to stay and complete it. That makes things a bit more complex, but we are thankful for friends in NR who are helping out.
Let me try to catch up a bit.
Tuesday evening we had a great night. One truth I have heard from others, and it is proving itself true here is this – when you are involved in missions ministry – Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break. The setting on Tuesday night was in a church, and there were people there from a few different churches. The place was full. We didn’t present the seminar in the same way as the previous times since the people didn’t have the study Bible in their hands. We didn’t have enough for all and so the decision was made by the local church after the presentation who would get them. So, we presented it to them without their being able to see it and follow along. We had to shift our approach a bit. But, that afternoon I had added a few things that fit in perfectly in that setting. I didn’t know at that time that things would be different. It went well. We ended the night with a very powerful and protracted time of prayer. It was awesome. The spiritual hunger among the believers is strong.
Even though it wasn’t what we planned when we got there on Tuesday, it was a great evening. The Lord has helped that pastor to reach out to some really hurting people and see God do supernatural changes in them. Only God can change lives that are completely controlled by sin and make them totally new.
Wednesday night, George spoke in the Bible Study in the local church where we are staying. He speaks French and did a good job. The people were really with him, responding to his questions, etc. Before he spoke, I shared a few thoughts and then we sang some choruses. We chose songs that the people knew, so we had a bi-lingual song service. It was fun.
Friday night and Sunday morning I speak in two different churches. Again, it will be with an interpreter, so that is the fun part of the challenge.
Again, thanks for reading and praying.