Hi. One more note from this side of the pond. It is Tuesday evening here. We had an interesting day. We went to the seminary and I presented a class of pictures and narration from my trip to Israel in 2000. It was fun to present. We had good discussions, just didn’t have enough time. None of the students had been there and I was able to show them several interesting places. One of the things we talked about was a major difference between Israel and The Netherlands. Here the whole place is FLAT. There are no hills or mountains here. Israel is one hill after another.
After class there was a chapel service. Then it was the day of a scheduled field trip for the class. In downtown Amsterdam there is a Bible Museum. It is a very interesting place. A Dutch pastor from the 1800s had a large collection of ancient artifacts. He also created an excellent model of the Tabernacle like the Jews used in their desert wilderness experience. It was an excellent tour. They have a good web site and I plan to check in to it more in the future.
Then we did one touristy thing. We took a canal boat ride. There are probably hundreds of tour boats floating the canals of Amsterdam. The trip took an hour. They said there are 60 miles of canals within the city. Everywhere you go in this country, you see canals. It was raining, but that’s ok, for they are prepared. All the tour boats are glass enclosed. They even had heat blowing in the boat.
Driving home we hit a major traffic jam. It was well in to the evening, past what you would think would be rush hour. And, their version of what we would call the Interstate was jammed going IN to Amsterdam, even worse that the road leaving. Not sure where they are all going, but no one was moving very fast.
Tomorrow is my flight home. On the flight schedule it looks like I have a two hour flight, 3:30 to 5:30. But, there is the minor factor of chasing the sun and picking up seven hours. By the time I get home my body clock will be
on about 2:00 A.M. It will be a long day. Can you say sleep???????
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. I’ll be sharing thoughts from the ministry of the past few weeks. I hope I’m good, I hope I have something good to say. I’m reminded of what our hosts in Ciney said about when their son was young. When he would pray for the meal he would always add, "And Lord, help it to be good". We’ll pray that for Sunday.
The pictures today:
From the Bible Museum, a picture of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle
One of the 1,000 bridges in the city
A picture of a very low and ineffective railing, the only thing that is between the road and the canals. Note that people park right up to the edge of the canal.
Thanks for reading. See you in about 4,100 miles or so.

After class there was a chapel service. Then it was the day of a scheduled field trip for the class. In downtown Amsterdam there is a Bible Museum. It is a very interesting place. A Dutch pastor from the 1800s had a large collection of ancient artifacts. He also created an excellent model of the Tabernacle like the Jews used in their desert wilderness experience. It was an excellent tour. They have a good web site and I plan to check in to it more in the future.
Then we did one touristy thing. We took a canal boat ride. There are probably hundreds of tour boats floating the canals of Amsterdam. The trip took an hour. They said there are 60 miles of canals within the city. Everywhere you go in this country, you see canals. It was raining, but that’s ok, for they are prepared. All the tour boats are glass enclosed. They even had heat blowing in the boat.
Driving home we hit a major traffic jam. It was well in to the evening, past what you would think would be rush hour. And, their version of what we would call the Interstate was jammed going IN to Amsterdam, even worse that the road leaving. Not sure where they are all going, but no one was moving very fast.
Tomorrow is my flight home. On the flight schedule it looks like I have a two hour flight, 3:30 to 5:30. But, there is the minor factor of chasing the sun and picking up seven hours. By the time I get home my body clock will be
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. I’ll be sharing thoughts from the ministry of the past few weeks. I hope I’m good, I hope I have something good to say. I’m reminded of what our hosts in Ciney said about when their son was young. When he would pray for the meal he would always add, "And Lord, help it to be good". We’ll pray that for Sunday.
The pictures today:
From the Bible Museum, a picture of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle
One of the 1,000 bridges in the city
A picture of a very low and ineffective railing, the only thing that is between the road and the canals. Note that people park right up to the edge of the canal.
Thanks for reading. See you in about 4,100 miles or so.