Monday, February 11, 2008

Thoughts on a Monday Morning

I’m sitting down to write a few thoughts to you this Monday morning, and realize that it is almost not Monday morning any more. The time has flown by quickly today with phone calls (and the phone just rang again) and other work I’ve been doing to get going for the week. The sun is shining and it looks like we will finally break in to the above zero temps. Actually, our weather is better than down in Missouri, where they are having an ice storm today. (I think last week it was in the 70’s down there.) I talked briefly with my brother, Roger, and he said that Central Bible College is closed today due to the ice.

Yesterday, when we had such miserable cold, many people didn’t make it in to service. I fully understand the cold and not wanting to get out in it. I’m thankful that some were able to make it. Most assuredly, God was here with us and we had a great time.

I want to thank those who shared some of their pictures with us, wedding and dating pictures. We enjoyed them. Since it is almost Valentine’s Day, I talked on the theme of love - When You’re In Love, It’s Not a Problem. My main focus and desire was to talk about the privilege we have of building our relationship with God based on love. We don’t serve Jesus out of obligation or that “God will get you” if you don’t. How awesome it is to know that God loves us and that we can love Him.

As I think back to yesterday, I am excited at the powerful prayer time we had at the end of our service. As people came up to ask for prayer, God answered. There was a strong sense of God’s presence and we prayed, sang and enjoyed HIM. One of my points in my message was, “When you’re in love, TIME is not a problem”. And, our prayer time at the end showed the truth of that. We really enjoyed the time in God’s presence.

Now, we are in to the new week that God is giving us to serve Him. Hey, it’s Monday. There is a really strange advertisement on TV that shows a whole town trying to prevent Monday from coming. When it shows up, they all walk back to the homes discouraged and dejected. We don’t have to be discouraged at a new week, for it gives us many opportunities to serve God. This Tuesday we have our Honor Society Luncheon, and that will give us some great food and visiting together. Then Thursday is Valentine’s Day. Maybe you can think of someone who really needs encouragement and sent them a special greeting. Let’s use this week for God.

One quick followup from a previous post: Brett, a young boy I mentioned in a prayer request, is doing just fine. Praise God for answered prayer.

Have a great week. Pray. Trust God.