Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Do you remember that thing called Y2K? WAY BACK in the 1990’s we continually heard how, when the year 2000 came, all our computers were going to go crazy. Millions of dollars were spent to prevent a catastrophe. We wondered if we would have electricity. What would happen to banking and large businesses? People bought generators and stocked up on food. Some were truly consumed with fear.

Now, here we are, with only 45 days left in 2009, a full ten years after Y2K. Ten years? Yes, ten years. Where did the time go? I am finding that time is flying by more rapidly than ever. To me, the 1990’s are not that far back. It’s hard to me to fathom how quickly the years are going. Within a few years high school graduates won’t know about Y2K from personal knowledge, but only because they were told about it.

Along with the faster pace of life, changes are coming at us so fast that it is impossible to keep up. As much as I would like to, there is no way I can keep up with the changes in technology. Cell phones and I Pods and computer games come and change so quickly. I do well to keep up with what I have, much less the new stuff.
I remember when someone was talking about something amazing. Instead of having records or tapes, we would listen to music on tiny machines that have no moving parts. Music would be simply a file on the machine. That seemed incredible because listening to music has always had moving parts – turning a record or moving a tape across a tape head. That dream is true today as a tiny player has enough memory capacity to hold thousands of songs. And, that technology now includes video.
Time is flying, life is moving at a dizzying pace. What are we getting done? What will last? What of value will be here in the future. 8-track tapes are now found only in a museum or your great grandparents house. Some time soon the latest I Pod or digital camera will be considered a dinosaur. What will last? What has value?
Let me leave you with words I used to hear quite often:
Only one life will soon be passed. Only what’s done for Christ will last.