Monday, February 9, 2009


It’s Monday. That is a day that many people dread, since they have to head back to work after the weekend. Monday is a challenging day for pastors. No, not because we haven’t been working the past few days, but because we have. I love preaching and all that goes with it, the services and spending time with people. But, preaching and leading services is tiring.
On most Mondays I’m tired. This is true again today, but this is not a "bad" tired. As I think of yesterday, it was an awesome day. The strong sense of the presence of the Lord was felt in our services. It is sometimes hard to describe the presence of the Lord. As we sang praises there was a desire to sing and sing some more. The sound of all the voices blending together was beautiful. We could feel the power of God in our midst. It was amazing.
God has gives us to great promises. He said that He will never leave us. He said that His presence will fill us, especially as we worship Him. Our time together was powerful. I could feel His power during the preaching. I guess I shouldn’t say that since I was preaching, but God was there in a strong way throughout the whole service. From the responses during the preaching I know that all the people were feeling Him as well.
Yes, ministry is exhausting. When the "tired" comes from the great presence of God as we experienced it yesterday, then bring on the tired. I’ll take that any time.