Monday, January 21, 2008

Getting Caught Up

I started this blog last year, wrote a test post, and then never did anything with it. I guess that's what a lot of people do with important things, they get started on something and then drift off to other things.
Lots of people do that with God as well, they leave Him on the "to do" list and then get caught up with many other details in life. They forget that He is the most important ingredient in life. You can do well in life without many other things, but you can't make it without Him.
2008 has started out in a powerful way. For many months we looked forward to our week of prayer. God fulfilled our desires for a deep sense of His presence. We were privileged to have Rocky and Sherry Grams with us. They shared powerful teachings. The attendance was good and we joined together to pray. We were challenged to trust God, to step out in to new areas of life and let God help us accomplish more than we ever though possible. Several people gave testimony to physical healings.
Because we gave God time in our busy schedules, we experienced His presence. Experiencing His presence is something I have had a deep desire for. All who participated in the meetings experienced the same and have a desire for more and more of HIM.
Now, as we continue in this new year, we long to build on what God has started. We will continue to study the Bible and hide it in our hearts. That will strengthen us spiritually. We will continue seeking the power of the Holy Spirit in our services and personal lives. This is going to be an awesome year.
If you have not read Rocky's book, In Awe in Argentina, be sure to read it. It is very inspiring.
My goal in this blog is to keep you informed as to what is happening at Cornerstone Assembly. I want it to be a conversation and encouragment in our Christian lives. I trust that you will frequently check out our website. There you can sign up to receive reminders when the bulletin is posted. You can send in prayer requests. You can stay up on what is happening.
Check it out at

I am going to need to learn the editing options available to me to make this blog look better than just plain text. So many things to learn. Thanks for your patience and I trust that there will be many items of interest that you will find as you check in regularly.

Blessings on you and yours,
